Monday, May 31, 2010


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What an awesome day! I can't remember the last time I was so utterly exhausted from head to tippy, tippy toe.  Bed time just might come before dark today.

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Today, I:

1. Got to spend the day with my little bro and his girlfriend.  I haven't seen him for 6 months!

2. Started the day with a long (and insanely hot) run with my brother.  It's the first time we've ever run together and it was so fun.  Except for the whole baking sensation.

3.  Went out for pancakes.  I love going out for breakfast!

4.  Had a super yummy cookout with friends.

5.  Drank gallons and gallons of water - some in coffee form.

6.  Wore this most adorable theme dress.  Very Americana, no?

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Dress: Rue 21, $6

Friday, May 28, 2010


iggy car 1
iggy car 2
iggy car 3

It's been a pretty banner week.  Life is good.
Have a great weekend, everyone!

Thursday, May 27, 2010


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This vintage silk shirt is so comfy for a hot day.  Every time I put it on, it immediately reminds me of a big top or one of those vintage beach umbrellas.  Then, I just want to go to the beach!

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Today was a really exciting day, but I'm glad it's done!  Work was a bit more stressful than usual, but that's not the exciting part.  The exciting big BIG news is that ...

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John is officially a business owner!  He's worked at one of the most amazing comic book stores (oops!  they need to update their website, now!) for the past 10 years, and today, he can proudly call it his own.  The last few weeks have been pretty stressful, but now it's all done!  It's kind of surreal, because we've been talking about it for years.  I'm so proud of him!  And excited for us!

So, if you have any comic book or graphic novel needs, you know where to go!

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Shirt: B Green Loft, $5 - Pants: Thrifted, $.30 - Shoes: Kenneth Cole Reaction, $40ish

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


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I'm glad so many of your were on board with the slicked back hair the other day.  Though even if you weren't, I'd still be doing it.  The reasoning is two-fold: First, I've been running out of time in the morning to actually do it, but mostly, it's too hot in the summer to blow dry my hair.  I have a serious sweat problem as it is, so the last thing I need is to be shooting myself with hot air.  Besides, I LOVE the feeling of wet hair on a hot day.  Anyone with me?

We're looking at record breaking temps this week, and I'm all on board!  Lord knows, I love it hot!  The only downfall is the aforementioned sweating.  In the last couple of weeks, I've had both my dad and my husband look at me (after working out) with the slightest bit of disgust and say, "You have sweat pouring off you."  Duh!  I can't help it if I burn like a Mack truck.  I told John that, and he thought I was insane. Anyway, the point is, this morning was hot and I ran and I burned a mad sweat and I don't think it stopped until I got to work.  I'm fairly certain I was even sweating in the shower.  So, yeah ... no hair dryer.

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But I clean up nice, right?  I'm debuting my new shoes that make me insanely happy.  You all know my feelings (more importantly, my back's feelings) on heels, so I try to avoid them at all costs.  I will admit, though, that sometimes I just want a little height.  These pretties caught my eye the other day, because there is barely a rise on them, since the platform is almost as high as the wedge.  At most, it's 1.5", but I don't even think it's that much.  Even at that, their wear will be limited to about once a week.  I think I can handle that!

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Dress: courtesy of Talbots - Belt: Gap, old - Shoes: Rue21, $27

P.S.  Can I tell you how irked I am that someone asked me this morning if I watch Biggest Loser and then proceeded to tell me who won after I said "I love that show and haven't watched the finale yet!"  WTF?!  Whatever, I'm sure I'll cry anyway.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


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Now, this is more like it!  Hot and humid!

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Like I've mentioned before, Tuesdays require a lot of lugging, loading and unloading and in and out of A/C.  It's imperative that I wear something that looks pulled together and modest enough for a work environment, but that can also minimize sweating and be easy to move in.  Whew!  That's quite a bill to fill!

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I picked up this vest a few weeks ago with this exact intention.   It's the perfect piece to add some extra coverage without ... well, extra coverage.  Okay, now it's time for ice cream!

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Vest: Ross, $10 - Dress: Ross, $9 - Belt: Gap Outlet, $5 - Tank: Target, $6 - Shoes: Ross, $9

Monday, May 24, 2010


5-24-10 1

After such a banner morning, I decided to just take it easy today and get caught up on a few internet-y things.  If you didn't notice, yet, I updated Blue Collar Closet with a few items, so be sure to check it out.

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I also went to the supermarket.  Which I hate.  With a passion.  As I was leaving in my car and cussing out some lady who was driving like a jerk in the parking lot, immediately followed by bitching at some old dude in a Beamer not paying attention, because he was ON HIS PHONE, I realized how sad it is that I am completely incapable of going anywhere near the supermarket without having some sort of raging conniption.  What is my deal?  I swear, I'm generally a rather nice and sweet person.  Geez...

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Speaking of things that irk me, there's a fly in our house.  He's been living with us for about 3 days now.  How can one little fly be so dang annoying?

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And to round out what shall now be referred to as "The Post of Non Sequiturs," I let John cut my hair this weekend.  You should have seen the look on his face when I asked him to do it.  Nervous doesn't even begin to describe it.  Terrified, maybe.  I have no qualms when it comes to taking scissors to things.  John, on the other hand, gets scared to death that he's going to seriously eff something up.  I guess I just don't think about that being a viable outcome for me.  Though, we all know I've effed up my fair share of things.  Anyway, I just combed it straight while it was wet and told him to cut a straight line.  He did a pretty good job!  Even if 1/2" did turn into more like 1 and 1/2".  I was desperate.

5-24-10 5
Jacket: vintage. mom's - Shirt: clothing swap - Belt: Ross, $4 - Pants: Thrifted, $6 - Shoes: Ross, $11ish


I just added a few things to Blue Collar Closet.  Go check it out!


Iiiiiiiiit's MONDAY!

Exciting week this week, guys!  I'm super stoked!

1.  Today, I started training for a 10K.  I've been running regularly, but needed a little focus.  Nothing a good training schedule can't fix.  I'll be doing a 7 week training program and running the race on July 11.  It's sure to be hot as balls, and I will hate every minute of it, but I'm gonna do it, dammit!  And I'm going out for pancakes after.  First up this morning?  The long run ... 6 miles.  I haven't pushed myself to do that distance in a long time, and I still ran every step of it.  I feel AWESOME!

2.  Ready for this?  John and I are officially consumer debt free!  (Sorry to those of you who thought I was going to say pregnant.  Hehe.)  Anyway, we paid off our credit card on Friday!  Now, onto the car, mortgage and student loans.  Blech!  I will say, though - seeing progress makes all of the other stuff seem manageable!  We've come a long way, baby!

3.  Something really, really exciting is happening this week.  BUT, you'll have to wait...

4.  It's going to be sunny and warm ALL week!  Man, this day just keeps getting better and better!

5.  I bought a pair of shoes this weekend that make me insanely happy. Believe it or not, they're wedges!  They have such a small rise that I think I'll be able to painlessly get away with them at least once a week.

What's your week hold?

Friday, May 21, 2010


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Happy Friday, kids!  Doing anything exciting this weekend?

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Nothing too exciting today.  Just a comfy little romper with my seemingly signature tied oxford and straw fedora.  Looks like rain this weekend, but then, the warm weather just may be here to stay.  Aah...

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Now, I need to go turn this into an evening look.  I'm going to an unveiling of a friend's makeover.  Exciting, no?  Can't wait!

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Romper: H&M, $30 - Oxford: Bitten, $10 - Hat: c/o PacSun - Shoes: Target, $17

Thursday, May 20, 2010


5-20-10 1

Today started with me putting on my underwear and then looking in the mirror to realize they were inside-out.  Oy. 

Anyway, I've been waiting for over a week to wear this outfit!  I didn't want to waste it on a cold rainy day, and finally, today was perfect - 80 and sunshine!

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I picked up these two pieces at a clothing resale shop when I went to visit my mom last week.  At first, I just thought, "Ooh, crazy pants!  Ooh, stripey shirt!"  and never intended to pair them together.  Until ... I got into the dressing room and inadvertently hung them on the same hook.  The skies opened up, and angels sang ... it was a match made in heaven!

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Ya'll, I did a russian (um, toe touch jump) off of this curb.  I haven't done one in probably 10 years (former cheerleader), and John said it was the most ridiculous thing he's ever seen me do.  I surprised myself a little (because it was pretty darn good) and am a little bummed that the camera only caught my take-off and landing.  I wasn't going to risk it again.  I'm hoping I don't regret that one tomorrow!

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Shirt, Pants: B Green Loft, $5 and $8 - Belt: vintage, inherited - Shoes:, $40ish

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


5-19-10 1

Round two for this thrifted dress.  I love how summer dresses need so little tweaking to change up the whole vibe.  If you don't remember, this is the gladiator dress.  It photographed really dark before, but it's actually navy blue, which I prefer since it's not so harsh against my skin.

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This dress was a good investment.  It's so SO comfortable, and I can tell that even in the heat, this will surely keep me cool.  I'm slightly tempted to hem it just a wee bit to keep the proportions from looking so ... dragged down.  I don't know what I'm trying to say, but I just think it could be modernized with a little tiny bit of tailoring.  What do you think?

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5-19-10 4

These pictures were a second attempt in a second location after a long day, so my head scarf is doing the slip and slide on my head.  A reasonable outcome when it comes to freshly washed, baby fine hair, I guess.

5-19-10 5
Dress: Thrifted, $3ish - Scarf: vintage, inherited - Belt: Gap, $? - Shoes: SM via Ross, $15
