Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I can't believe I've been blogging for two months already! It's been a blast and I'm loving everything about it, especially all of the readers who find my blurbs interesting enough to read everyday and then take the time to leave friendly comments.

Before entering the "blogosphere," I spent all of my web-surfing reading celebrity-based sites. Not for the gossip so much, but because I just couldn't get enough style inspiration. I was constantly looking for new ideas and new approaches to personal style. And like any other addict, I was building an immunity to these sites and was jonesin' for something stronger! So, I started searching for a few good style blogs. I quickly came to the conclusion that "real people" style is far more inspiring than celebs.

After popping in and out of several sites, I stumbled across What I Wore. I was immediately hooked! Not only because the style is fabulous, but because the author Jessica is the bee's knees! Though she lives in NYC and works in the fashion world, she is completely down to earth and her content is totally accessible, no matter what your fashion caliber. Here's what Jessica says about herself:

Image Courtesy of What I Wore

"I'm Jessica Schroeder. I like thrift shopping, sewing my own clothes and styling them up. I take pictures of myself (almost) everyday." Check out her blog for more!

After reading Jessica's blog for the first time, I was immediately inspired to start my own!

Recently, Jessica has started featuring guest editors and outfits. I responded to her call for more guests and was flattered to be featured on her site yesterday! Another very cool thing Jessica has started on her site is a sewing class. I do quite a bit of sewing myself, but struggle finding the time to do it (total bummer!). Jessica has taken the time to break down her projects step by step and has even put together a video tutorial. Best of all, anyone is welcome to follow along. Visit her site to start stitching today! You'll even learn to draft your own pattern!

Special thanks to Jessica for her guest feature, kind words of encouragement, and endless inspiration!

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