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Welcome to our first Sweaty Wednesday collective post! I was blown away this past week with the goals you ladies are setting for yourselves. I'm so proud of each and every one of you for participating!
Before I list everyone's exercise goals for 2011, I want this to be a place that will encourage you to reach those goals. Now that they're set, it's time to execute them! Where do you start?
Some of you are seasoned athletes, others are just starting out. I want to know what the first step to your goal is or something that has helped you take the first step towards regular exercise in the past. Leave your thoughts in the comment section and feel free to subscribe to the thread. It's really hard to get moving on our own, so let's get moving together!
And without further ado, your 2011 goals (in no particular order) are:
Amy Luskin: Run a 10k this year! I'm getting back to exercising after baby and postpartum depression by doing the Couch-to-5k program. I'll run my first 5k in February (slowly), another "real" one in March, and I hope a 10k by June!
La Historiador de Moda: 1. Run my second marathon. 2. Run 800+ miles. 3. Reestablish my home yoga practice. 4. Run faster in 2011.
Kate Cox: My goals (which started in December) are to run a 10k.
Taleia: My goal is to drop the rest of the excess weight (20 pounds lost before Christmas and so far nothing gained back during the holidays! yay!), take a yoga class (how long has this been on my list?) and train to run a 5K.
MissMintyFresh: Run the Phillies Run for Charity 5K. I have a singular goal....NOT TO COME IN LAST!
Hope: My goals are to run another half marathon (in spring or fall, probably fall) and to finally add strength training.
TD: My goal this year is to be able to walk for 30 mins at a brisk pace (Read 1mi/15 mins) without hurting. I am recovering from tendonitis in my ankle and other issues that had pretty much kept me inside and on the couch for entire last year. So this is a big goal for me at the moment. I also want to do the hundred push-up challenge, but whether I actually manage to do this will depend on how my ankles handle this routine.
Jen: I too ran my first half marathon in 2010 and my goal is to hopefully run a full marathon in spring 2011. I'm a little nervous but mostly excited!
Nicole: Due to a nagging back injury, I've been out of running commission for a LONG time. I need to build some strength and ease myself back into running (plus just get to the gym consistently for some sort of movement) so that I can run a 5K in May.
Melrose: I joined a gym this past November, but have yet to kick my butt into full gear. I'd love to try a half marathon myself... and of course shed a couple of pounds! (no qualms with my size, just how clothes have been fitting lately!)
Julia: My goal is to get back into working out regularly... just to do SOMETHING... ANYTHING. I haven't been to the gym or worked out in about a year and a half. I walk to/from work (3 miles total) but I need to do more. I have serious issues working out (as in I hate it, it makes me miserable, and it makes me want to curl up in a corner.) I used to work out to lose weight and was obsessed about 5-6 years ago. Now I "want" to exercise for health. It took me a long time to get to this point. So that's my goal - exercise for my health, not to lose weight. That's a tough mentality to maintain, but I'm going to try.
Natalie: This year I'm running my first ever half marathon, (if I don't chicken out or die in the process...) I'm also keeping up my goal of running 50 miles a month for the year. I've done it for the past 2 years and it's really helped me to keep active. :)
Cynthia: My exercise goal for the year is to dance every day. I'm working on one very specific dance goal -- studying up on the Fat Chance Belly Dance movement vocabulary for the general skills certificate workshop that I'm going to in April. I'll be teaching belly dance in two locations during spring. I have also sworn to get back into ballroom dancing at least semi-regularly. And beyond all that, there's Zumba every day so I have no excuse not to dance.
Katie: I'm the same as Cynthia - my goal is to dance. Especially in the winter, I can't go walking/running before or after work because it's black out. To to the gym I go to dance my not-so-little-but-proportional-to-my-frame butt off in Zumba and whatever other classes will let my spazzy self in!
Kaylynd: I am so in! My goal is to just be healthier all around, but I do plan on making exercise fun for me. I'm thinking hula hooping, trampoline jumping and I just heard about this dodgeball place... Pics coming your way just as soon as I have them! :)
Linda W: Oh yes! Once I shake off this cold I'll be back at it. My goal is to make my clothes fit loose again and continue to build my muscle definition. I plan on working out 6 days a week, to all 3 of my Jiilliam Michaels videos and take back up jogging in the spring. Watch me go.
Mari: 1. Be CONSISTENT with my exercise. Rather than wake up every day and wonder, "Will I exercise today" think "How will I exercise today?" Get to a point where I can consistly do a 3-5mi brisk jog without a problem. 2. Do a century bike ride (100mi).
Kayla: Oo I love this! I haven't set goals for the year as much as I'm continuing to try to live a healthier life! I started this journey last November, and am hoping to kick it up into gear for the new year.
Anna: Yes! Love this! My winter activity goals are to cross country ski (2x per week, weather and snow permitting) and try out skate skiing (a form of cross country skiing). I will be doing arm strengthening with a Tracy Anderson video. This spring I want to train for running a 10k. I am going to run a 10k this year. There, I said it. I want to get fit, which to me doesn't matter what the scale says, it matters how I feel in my clothes.
Pia: My goal is to bike 50 miles in the "Coast the Coast MS Ride" in the Spring and a 100 miles in the "Bike to the Bay" ride in the fall. And, this time, I will not forget my bike wheel!
Elly: My first and foremost fitness goal of the year is to get myself back into a rhythm of regular exercise. Ideally at least 3 times a week, though I hope to fit in more. My joint goal with the boyfriend is to run a 5k by the beginning of the summer. By the end of the year...okay, you know what? I just looked up races in my area (in the middle of writing this) and there is an awesome-looking women's 10k on Columbus Day. I'm going to run it! (Thanks for the goal-setting inspiration!)
Erindyan: *sigh* Oh man, Kyla. I’m so embarrassed by this but I’ll be honest. My goal is simply to get in SOME form of exercise, 4 times a week. That’s all. And even that is daunting for me personally. I have gotten really really lazy. And it’s all uphill from here but I do feel determined. Not in a fired up excited about it way but rather in a I want to live a long life, and be happy and healthy way.
Kendra: Yay!!! This rocks! I started a new vegetarian diet and am aiming to run 2 5ks in the spring, and maybe a 10k in the fall??? Thats my goal!! Run run run, and eat lots of veggies!!
Louise: For me, my 2011 goal is about 14 weeks away - to run my first marathon in April (not London though, in the UK when you say marathon all non-runners just assume London!) I can't wait but am also trying to balance the right amount of training with not getting injured as I was meant to run my first off-road marathon in Sept 2010 but picked up an injury in the August that meant I didn't even make the start line.
Stacey: My goal this year is to run 2 half marathons and to get back into yoga. From there I have small goals of getting to a certain mileage per week and losing a little weight here and there.
Sasha: my definite fitness goal for the year is to keep up my pilates and aerobic exercise at the local Y. I am pretty much in love with pilates, so it shouldn't be too hard. I've been going twice a week and I'm about to change my membership, so I can go more often. My unofficial goal is to go to pilates 3-4 times each week. Additionally, I am seriously considering training for and participating in a century (100 mile) bike ride in September (with my boss). There is plenty of time overall to train, the question is whether I am willing to dedicate enough time considering the weather, work, pilates, and my friends/family.
Rin: I've been working on losing weight since September. I've lost 20 pounds so far and have 15-20 pounds to go! I am having a love affair with the elliptical. I also love Zumba--both the classes and I have the DVDs. I hope to work in some Pilates this year to start toning up more. As a soon-to-be-teacher, I want to avoid the jiggly teacher arm (you know that under arm flap that jiggles around like crazy when the teacher writes on the black board?) like the plague!
Candace: My fitness goal for 2011 is to run my first full marathon in May. Aside from that I want to learn to surf, paddleboard & commit to attending a weekly yoga class!
Sara K. S. Hanks: My goal is to attend at least one Nia class per week. Nia is this great exercise that I feel really connected (super-active, super-energizing, super-spiritual for me), but I've gotten seriously out of practice. I went to my first class in a year and a half tonight - simply AWESOME. =) I'm not sure what the results will be exactly - time will tell. I don't want to lose or gain weight, don't necessarily want to tone up; I just want to feel good and connected to the body I have, you know? Anyhow, I'm looking forward to a year of Sweaty Wednesdays!
S. of Narrowly Tailored: Among other 2011 goals, my big goal for the year is to increase the "grade level" at which I rock climb. Currently, most of the boulder problems I can do are in the V3/V4 range, but by the end of the year, I'd like to consistently climb V5 or V6. To further this goal, I'm working on increasing the amount of strength-training I do, and doing whatever it takes to stay injury free!
Miscjenn: I have a rather simple resolution and it is to exercise just ten minutes per day. I mean ten minutes, that's doable right? So far I've hit my target every day and even ended up playing on the Wii (Walk it Out) for about thirty minutes last night. So far so good! I'm also planning on running a 5k this year, but I have to get in shape for the pre-portion of the running. Right now I don't think I could walk a 5k much less run it. Baby steps...
FashionFlirt: I am so onboard with this! I have a ton of sweaty goals for 2011. The one I'm most currently pumped about is set for the last weekend in February! I'll be running the Hypothermic half marathon, and my goal is to set a personal course record for the race. I'd love to run it in 2 hours (preferably less), but so long as I am faster than my PB for the race (2:23, I think?) I'll be OVER the moon!
Meagan: This is such a fantastic idea! My goal for this year is to run a half marathon in September. Previously I've been a very average 5-10km runner. I've already registered and payed my entry fee so I'm committed!
Aoife: My goal this year is to run a half marathon in September 2011. I've run 10K before but am looking forward to building up a training program and sticking to it. I've also started pole dancing so I need to build up my upper body strength, my goal for that is to be able to go upside down.
Tenn: This is a little tentative to be honest, because I don't feel totally confident in my ability, but my goal is to make it onto a team in my league (Assassination City Roller Derby) by the end of 2011. In order to be drafted onto a team, I have to have a level of strength, endurance and ability that allows me to pass a pretty intense skill test. I have already failed this test four times, mostly because of my endurance, which is why I don't feel great about it.
Rebecca: I'm hoping to work out at least five times a week, with two of those times being yoga. Not the most ambitious goal, butbit is realistic for me.
Adrienna: I have vague goals about more mileage/better endurance and more consistency with strength training, but my one solid goal is to run a 10k in an hour, which I'm pretty far from doing right now. The last time I ran an hour, I did about 5.25 miles.
Hannah B: My goal is to work out every day I'm not at work (I lift dresses all day long at David's Bridal so I can barely move after my shifts haha). Hopefully this will be 3 or 4 times a week. And I'm going to really try for them to be the hour long cardio classes at my universities rec center. I just want to get back into fighting shape instead of stressed out college girl shape.
Kim: I've read you for so long and followed your running... you remind me of me when I started!! There was time when I thought 6AM was ungodly, but now I'm usually done by then...Anyway, this year the goals are different than in the past. First goal is to continue to workout during my last 70 days of being pregnant, the follow up goal is to be back at my fighting weight 9 months later, with a half marathon and a triathlon under my belt. (then in 2012 I'll work on getting back to the same fitness level, at the moment, I'll settle for the same pants!)
SoxFan13913: My goal, having never run in my life, is to complete the Race for the Roses here in Portland, Oregon. It is a 5K run/walk on April 3rd benefiting Albertina Kerr and just so happens to be the day after my birthday. I thought rather than buying myself a new purse or jacket, something I would eventually forget, I would give myself the gift of accomplishment and better health. I'm using the Couch to 5K ap and though I just started I'm pretty excited!
William Smales: My goal is to become more healthy; beginning with meals and incorporating workouts into my weekly routine. My plan is to start small; 3 or 4 times.
Jalexa: My goal is to run my second half marathon. I was doing light training through the holidays, now I'm sick. But next week, I'm starting my hard training.
Emma: I achieved my goal last night of running 5K and now I feel like I can do anything!!! Which is good because I still have a lot to acomplish! THANK YOU for being a huge inspiration. Can I join the Sweaty Wednesday club now?
Natalie: This year I'm running my first ever half marathon, (if I don't chicken out or die in the process...) I'm also keeping up my goal of running 50 miles a month for the year. I've done it for the past 2 years and it's really helped me to keep active.
Half a marathon still sounds like too much...
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ReplyDeletekisses from La Mode En Rose = )
Omg for me is 5 kilometres like eternity:)