Thursday, March 19, 2009



Apparently, yesterday was the new Memorial Day, because I wasn't breakin' all sorts of rules. It was super warm and wonderful, so I not only wore white linen pants (JCP, $18), but I even wore flip-flips (Old Navy, $5). Gasp! After years of living in nothing but nasty rubber flip-flops all summer, last year I decided it was time to start wearing big girl shoes. Thus, these are the ONLY pair of flip-flops I wear anymore. Instead, I loaded up on several pairs of cute metallic flat sandals.

At any rate, I tempered all of the summer wears with my comfy flannel (Target boys, $5). Oh, I can't wait for the warm weather.

Sorry for the late post. Super duper busy this week. I'm actually still working ... ugh...


  1. Duh, Target boy's! I was looking all over for the perfect flannel, and here you found it at the Tar-jay. I should know better.

  2. I was checking all of your looks on your blog, and i have to say i love them all and you look fantastic. I really like your style, it's so fresh, cute and youthful. I love this combination of the flannel shirt and the white linen pants, they are both so flattering, i also love how you finished up the look with a pair of flip flops, the entire look is gorgeous!

