Tuesday, March 9, 2010


3-9-10 1

Today is a Perfect 10!  Why you ask?  Oh, no reason ...

3-9-10 2

... except that it was super sunshiney and 60° outside.  And I drove around all day from awesome job to awesome job with the sunroof open and the radio cranked up.

3-9-10 3

And I had the most fantastic (and fast!) run this morning in my new shoes (third pair in a week - thank goodness for a store with guaranteed athletic shoe fitting).

3-9-10 4

And my hair just did it's thing today and it was perfect!  Dirty ... but perfect!  And this outfit is the bees knees and I'm so comfortable!

3-9-10 5
Jumpsuit: Thrifted, 15¢ - Jacket: Target, $7.50 - Scarf: Target, $13 (gift card) - Shoes: Madden Girl, $23


  1. Your hair looks awesome! That scarf is fantastic, too!

    I am so glad that it was sunny and warm here today too. It makes such a difference in my mood!

  2. sounds like an awesome day! love your hair like that.
    btw, I'm mailing your package tomorrow! sorry it took so long, I was adding something to it. :o)

  3. Love the look! All you need is a motorcycle and James Dean.


  4. So jealous. Please send sun our way.

  5. Your hair looks great! I'm also a big fan of your scarf. Glad you had a good day, it looks like it was beautiful near you.

  6. Yay for great days. i felt like that yesterday (today not so much) and I love how you tied the scarf.

  7. The weather WAS gorgeous today! Unfortunately I had to spend it inside :(

    Love this whole look, especially how you tied the scarf. So creative!

  8. aw i love days like that!
    these trousers are amazingly flattering on you and look sooooo comfortable.

  9. I think you've mastered the art of chic but comfortable. I'm really digging this look- love the hair and scarf!- and especially like how you've pushed up the sleeves of the jacket. I have the black version (also got it on clearance!) and when I finally wear it here in Chicago I'm going to try out the sleeves like this. Thanks for the inspiration!

  10. I love your scarf! And that outfit looks great *and* comfy. The best kind! xx

  11. Great look! Fabulous scarf!

    I love days like that!

  12. Yay for awesome jobs, awesome music and your awesome hair right now :)
    Mmm, morning runs. If I ever wake up before 8am I will go on one :p Netball season starts soon so I'm pretty excited!

  13. Glad you're so happy! You look great as usual!

  14. Yep, our weather has been the same! I went for a walk last night, and my husband joined me! It was awesome!

  15. YAY for great days in 60 degree weather!!! LOVE your hair, so perfect :)

  16. The bees knees indeed! I adore this look, lady. The high bun, the huge scarf, the rich palette of neutrals. A total win.

  17. i love your hairstyle today! and the rest of the outfit too. the jumpsuit is so fabulous, and the jacket goes with it perfectly. i am jealous of your driving around with the sunroof open! that does sound like a perfect 10 day. ~joelle

  18. Love the hair! And your outfit is really cute- I like the scarf a lot!

  19. That DOES sound like the Perfect 10 type of day!! You look totally cute...love the way you tied that scarf!



  20. Oooooo, that jacket is just SO amazing! I'm loving how creative your outfits have been the past two weeks. It must be this uplifting weather! Anyways, you look gorgeous as usual :)

