Friday, December 11, 2009


12-1-09 1

I have to change my mind about the cold or I'm going to be really, REALLY cranky come February.  Usually, I can't stop bitching about the cold weather, but this year, I'm going to try to reframe those old thoughts.

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Instead of shriveling up and crying about it, I'm going to embrace it.  Today was even colder than yesterday, and I'm not gonna lie, it's uncomfortable.  It's the kind of cold that when you first walk outside and the wind blows, you can't breath for a minute - like jumping into really cold water.

12-11-09 3

Anyway, this year, I'm going to enjoy the pretty landscape ...

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... and the cozy layers ...

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... the fun hats ...

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... and warm cups of tea.

What do you actually like about winter?
Flannel: Ross, $9 - Henley: Target, $13 - Hat: vintage, $10 - Leggings: thrifted, $1.50 - Boots: Target, $20 (after gift cards)


  1. I prefer the warmer weather as well, specially since I am from a tropical country (Panama). What I DO like about winter is drinking a delicious hot coco that just warms u all up. That feeling is priceless.

  2. I came upon your blog and then laughed to myself because my current post has me wearing plaid in the snow as well.

    Anyways, love the plaid of course.

    And lovely blog. I like the leopard print tights in a previous post.

  3. that is awesome of you to be able to reframe what once was negative into something positive! you look absolutely amazing in that cozy ensemble... you make me wanna lounge around and play cards in front of the fire. and then go play around in the snow :)

  4. i'm from south carolina, but my mom recently moved to pa and i got so excited about having a white christmas last year. but it RAINED. i love the snow. i think its magical and i have high hopes again for this christmas. and i love layering, so the opportunity to so is always welcome.

  5. You look cute and cozy!
    I like that you are trying to change your attitude :)
    Who knows, maybe one it is warm again you will find yourself missing the snow

  6. super cute pose

  7. Super cute. I really like that plaid shirt!

  8. love your hat. love you jumping around in the snow. love your funky boots. kinda love it all. as for things I love about winter, I miss all the fun winter clothes you get to wear! Scarves, and gloves, and sweater, oh my. and of course miss playing in the snow with the fam and my pups! :)


  9. I love this photo shoot! So wonderful and playful! My favorite part of winter is warm steamed extra foamy egg nog... yum!


  10. I think the winters look really beautiful. An I like fires in the fire place, and hot chocolate with marshmallows. Your right. I just need to accept it. I usually do by January. What are the 10 stages of death or acceptance or whatever? Denial, anger, despair. . . . and finally acceptance?

  11. Love your hat and all those pictures look like you were having fun!

    As for what I like about winter? Let's see....mmmmm.....mmmmmmm.....wait, I'm thinking.....mmmmmmmm

  12. I love skating, sledding, snow angels, snow fights, snow forts, snow men. I love matching winter mitts and touques. I recently fell in love with a wool scarf. I love trudging home through a foot of snow with wind oushing against me to a cup of hot chocolate. I love boots over tights. I love snow days and the patterns Jack Frost leaves on windows. I love Chinooks that blow in when you are starting to get tired of the bitter cold and your are given anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks of spring like warmth. I am going to take snowboarding lessons in February and I am hoping to love them. And I love the look you have going on in this post. The plaid over the henley over the leggings and your boots!

  13. nice blog!

    Visit my blog

  14. I love the smell of snow and the way it hangs in pine trees. I love the feel of the cold against your cheeks as you ski. I love skating, and snowshoeing and sledding. I love hiking to the tops of mountains and looking out over the snow covered world. I love cozy winter clothes and layers upon layers. Oh yeah, and I love your hat too!

  15. very cute pics!! I take all my own but you are reminding me why a photographer is a good idea. :)

  16. What I love about winter?
    The boots!!!!!!!!!!!
    Everytime I feel the cold and see the snow, I have to chant a mantra - Think of the boots, think of the
    (In Canada, so its -14 with the wind here. Let the fun begin... )

  17. what a super cute outfit. and you look so comfy and cozy!
    i think my favorite thing about the winter is the snow which we get a lotlotlot of in upstate Ny

  18. My winters are usually nothing but wet and clammy. There's never any snow either, so there's not much I love about winter except the holidays and the way I can see my breath at night.

  19. You really look like you are enjoying the cold... good for you girl. And I love your warm yet so fab.

  20. Please - I'm insanely jealous - where can I find a hat like yours?!

  21. I like nothing about winter. Not the cold, not the snow, not the jackets - nothing. Give me Fall, Spring and Summer - perfect. I love the change of seasons. Just not the cold bitter Winter weather. THAT being said, I'm going to try and not harp on it this year. I manage to make it through every year and I will again this year!

  22. Every year that Ive been away from the West Coast I have struggled with snow and cold temps! I am trying my best to be positive, so thank you for sharing your enthusiasm! I love wearing coats, scarves and cozy sweaters, but if I slip on the ice again this year I might take that all back.;)
    xoxo Jolie

  23. My favourite thing is snow! We only get a light blanket a couple of times a year if we're lucky, so when we do get some it's a real treat!

  24. That snow looks like so much fun!!

  25. I can't lie... what I love about winter is the general snuggliness of it, the chance to snuggle into soft and warm things and relax in the knowledge that even though the world is a cold, cold place, we can create safe warm spots for ourselves in it. :)

    That might be a bit metaphoric, but true. :)

  26. Love these pics... too much fun. I used to love a fresh blanket of snow but since I plow in the winter, I am always too busy working and running on lack of sleep to enjoy the snow fall. But I do like layers, plaid and fur hats!

  27. Oh this is such a fun little photoshoot you've done! I wish it would snow in nyc...just a little bit.

