Friday, May 14, 2010


5-14-10 1

Today's favorite feature was an easy one - my arms!  I love everything about my arms.  They never bloat.  They're the first to respond after a good workout.  They're the only part of my entire body that gets ever so slightly tan (okay, less white) in the summer months.  And they just look pretty awesome glistening with sweat after a good run.

I think that toned arms are the bees knees.  I'm probably one of the few people out there that thinks Madge's ripped biceps are super hot - there's just something about a girl with strong arms that's so sexy and powerful.  And it's the one part of your body that people see naked the most.  I work really hard to firm up my huggers, and I'm not gonna lie ... I love to show them off.  Just ask John - he has season tickets to the gun show.  And when I told him today was "love your arms" day, he wasn't the least bit surprised ... or amused.

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I'm so happy that sleeveless weather is finally here!!!

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Can you guess where this next picture is going?

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Yep.  One way ticket to crazy lady monkey central.  Hehehehehehehe...

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5-14-10 10
Vest: thrifted, 30¢ - Scarf: vintage, inherited - Belt: thrifted, $1 - Pants: self-made - Shoes: Ross, $9
Does this look like a $10.30 outfit?


  1. Fantastic post! So wonderful to hear someone with such a positive view on their body! Those arms are smokin girl!

  2. WOW ... I soo need to go to the gym!! lol. I can barely do one pull up. oh no no no!. Keep up the good work!!!

  3. Um, yes, your arms are awesome. I love today's outfit too. Can you please make me a pair of those pants? Thanks.

  4. Love the muscles! I'm jealous!

  5. you are amazing, i love the pictures of you leaping like (an animal that is way cooler than a monkey)

  6. I've honestly never been a fan of dropped crotch or harlem pants... there always seems to be something off about them. HOWEVER, these ones are amazing. They are probably the first pair that I've seen and really genuinely liked, so congrats on having made them yourself.

    Also, you do have good arms. :)

  7. I am with ya, I love toned arms on a lady! It says you don't have to be a wollowy flower to be fem. You can be buff too! In college my arms were ripped because I lifted weights everyday. Right now I am trying to get them back! Planks are one of my favorite moves for arms!

  8. They sure are some damn fine guns. I would be showing them off all over the shop if they were mine.

  9. Awesomeness! You do have great arms. I need to tone mine up a bit so I can feel as positive as you about my arms!
    Tracy (The Wardrobe Wanderer)

  10. Awesomeness! You do have great arms. I need to tone mine up a bit so I can feel as positive as you about my arms!
    Tracy (The Wardrobe Wanderer)

  11. Rock. Being a gym rat, I have a total appreciation of toned arms, including Madonna's. They're one of my favorite parts too.

  12. Rock. Being a gym rat, I have a total appreciation of toned arms, including Madonna's. They're one of my favorite parts too.

  13. Look at you go! That vest cost 30c? That is awesome! I have loved seeing you show off your face body parts you stylish thing you!

    I can do exactly one pushup. I play basketball, netball, touch and used to be a whiz at shotput and discus... but seriously, one!

    I'm actually doing a 100 pushup challenge starting Monday and I signed up at the gym today just so I can use the treadmill and boxing bag. I love my arms too! :D


  14. Hahaha you make me laugh! :) You do have some kick butt arms! And I love this outfit!!

  15. you are so adorable (and brave and bold….). I think every day should be love your arms day ;-)

  16. that line about arms being naked the most is my favorite jillian quote.

  17. i dunno if my comment was sent throuigh, but i love this outfit, you look really nice and this outfit reminds me of aladdin :P

  18. i really like this outfit, it reminds me of aladdin :P was going to buy pants like that at H&M, but they are green. still trying to decide whether i should take the plunge or not!

  19. DAAAYYYYUUUUMMM, Kyla. (in case you missed that, that was incredibly drawn out "damn") LOVING everything about this outfit. So perfect, so sexy, so you.

  20. You are just adorable! Do you know that? You truly are...just adorable!!


  21. What a great outfit to show off your great arms girl! And that reminds me- tomorrow is "weights day" at the gym. Need to do something about my scrawny-ness. =)

  22. I bought two tickets to the gun show...

  23. You are so confident and cute! Can you please tell me how you made those pants? Did you use a pattern or wing it? If it's a pattern, which one? I know my daughter would love them.

