Monday, April 12, 2010


Happy Monday!

1.  I can barely handle the supermarket anymore.  I think I need to take something before going.  Is it really so hard to just go in and get what you want and get out?  It is not the place for social activities, people!  And pay attention to your damn cart!

2.  I played a little ping pong on Saturday night.  I don't think I won, but I did growl a lot.  A friend once told me that I was a bad loser ... and an even worse winner.  Well, then.

3.  I didn't work yesterday and now I'm all befuddled.  What day is it again?

4.  Last night, I had my first caffeine-induced night of restless sleep.  A late night java never used to bother me.  What's next?  Sanka?

5.  The late night coffee was for a really good reason, though.  We went to see Wilco!  And as always, it was awesome!  The crowd was much older than usual, which was interesting.  But the venue was gorgeous and very small.  AND we totally lucked out and got tickets in the 6th row next to the aisle!  AND the last leg of their American tour was called "An Evening with Wilco," so there was no opening band and they played for 3 hours!  I've fallen in love all over again.

Unfortunately, because we live in the middle of nowhere, we almost always have to travel to see concerts.  Last night's show was a 2.5 hour drive.  Thank goodness for Garmin, though.  And Sheetz coffee.  And Starbucks.  And the sweet parking spot we got right across the street from the entrance.

Peace.  I'm out.


  1. Lol - I'm definitely a bad loser - I can't help it, I like to win ... I don't even let kids beat me and I don't like it if they do. I might laugh on the outside, but I'm making a mental note to crush you at your little kiddie games next time around. hmmph :-)

  2. Agree about shopping cart-wielding crazies at the grocery store--I had a run in last week. Glad you had fun at your show! What did you wear?!

    Unravelled Threads

  3. Hi Kyla,

    I feel like I'm courting you. You're like that cool girl at school who everyone wants to be friends with :) I'm going ot keep trying to get you to read my blog untill I succeed. Wilco is great. Canadians LOVE Wilco.

  4. I'm so jealous of you going to see Wilco. It's been way too long since I've been to a great show. I love your Monday ramblings btw.

  5. Oh God, I'm so jealous. I LOVE Wilco.

    I'm glad they played a good show for you.

  6. Sister I feel you on the grocery store front. Sometimes it's all I can do not to stab someone in the arm with my pencil instead of using it to cross things off my list.


  7. Sister I feel you on the grocery store front. Sometimes it's all I can do not to stab someone in the arm with my pencil instead of using it to cross things off my list.


