Saturday, December 5, 2009


Installment #3

ugly sweater 3

Okay, you guys ... this one's UG-LY.  I came home from work this morning and this is what greeted me.  Youch!  Honey, you're cute, but that sweater is not.

Has anyone else noticed his beard growing with this series?

12-5-09 snow2

In other news, it snowed today.  Which, surprisingly enough, I'm okay with.  This is when it should snow.  It should NOT snow in October or April like it sometimes does around here.

Nothing beats how the snow looks sticking to the trees, though.  That's my favorite.  It's a winter wonderland at its best.

12-5-09 snow1

And this is what snow does to a gremlin:

12-5-09 iggy snow

P.S.  I got my Indian food today and it was aaaamazing!  Man, I love that stuff!


  1. awww! i love guys in sweaters, even if they're horrendously tacky! this one isnt *that* bad!

  2. LOL, it reminds me of the Cosby Show :) But your hubby's a cutey, so he can pull it off, right?

  3. AHHH that last pic of your dog is so freaking adorable!!! I agree, this sweater is ugly to the max. But your husband is a brave guy for wearing it anyway!

  4. Heeeeeeyyyyyy, I bought that sweater and it is a superb cotton - not some tacky acrylic knit sweater. Enjoy the season!

  5. The sweater hurts your eyes a bit when you look at the middle band of green. As someone who loves a guy who has very little fashion sense and is fine with it I completely sympathize. Mine would probably never wear one of these sweaters just because it's too much of "a look" for him.

  6. Maybe I just really love ugly sweaters, but I'm seriously loving your husband's collection. And I'm so jealous that you got snow. It's been cold here, but no sign of that lovely white powder yet...

    Oh, and if you're ever in Chicago, consider yourself invited to dinner. Joe has been cooking his way through a 660 Curries cookbook this year, and it's incredible. I'm up to my ears in Indian food, and I love it!

  7. I guess the sweater is ugly, BUT YOUR HUSBAND IS SO STIKINGLY HANDSOME that I can't see past his LOVELINESS.

  8. I love awesomely bad sweaters. I may have to rock one this season.

    This is my first time commenting but I've been reading for awhile and I love your blog.

  9. i love Post's with Furry Friends... is that pup a Lhasa Apso? looks just like my lewy :-) he loves the snow too.

  10. Yes! finally a truly ugly sweater. :)

  11. Okay. This whole ugly sweater series thing is hysterical! I am cracking up. Truly laughing out loud! But I have to say, I honestly like his sweater... I would wear it in a heart beat. Haha! But hey, cut the hubby some slack... not everyone can be as stylish as you Kyla!!!

  12. hahaha that is such a great Dad sort of sweater!

  13. Yes, truly ugly... the sweater not the husband... Originally, some doting mother bought all that loveliness for her darling son and then wondered why he had no friends...

  14. I am sorry but, your hubby is super cute!! I think that is why the ugly sweaters don't look ugly! :)

  15. heehee... gremlin looks more like merlin with that snowy beard!

    and that fugly sweater is amazing! I am loving this series :)

    in other news, it totally snowed in the bay area last night! this NEVER happens.

  16. Your husband's handsomeness raises that sweater into the "acceptably cute" realm. Geez. Lucky you!

  17. The pups "snow beard" is soo cute!


  18. You're poor far I have to say, this one is really bad - The other one's weren't so bad...but this one....really is. Not even you're cutie pie husband could salvage this fact, I don't think any man could salvage this one...ha! Hurry up, take that poor sweater off of him!

