Tuesday, November 10, 2009


11-10-09 1

I'm sort of faux bundled up today.  It was actually pretty warm (nearly 60), however these layers are a bit deceiving.  They're actually paper thin.

11-10-09 2

The hat was much more of a necessity than a statement, though.  Once again, I tried to do way too much before 9am this morning and ended up with a mere 25 minutes to shower and get ready.  As you can imagine, that resulted in zero time spent on the hair.

11-10-09 3

In case you haven't noticed, I am completely head over heels in love with these boots.  They are not only ridiculously comfortable, but they have somehow given me license to wear some body-con pieces that I would never wear without the security blanket of the over-the-knee bootage.  Their extra coverage makes a dinky little skirt like this more class than trash (here's hoping, anyway).

11-10-09 4

Of course, this still wouldn't classify as office wear, but you know I'm not exactly the office type.  It was perfect for running around town to the potpourri of jobs that make up my Tuesdays.

This may be a little TMI, but I had a moment today where I pulled my skirt up to go to the bathroom and then panicked thinking I had lost it because it blended in with my shirt.  It was only for second until I realized I was flirting with bat-shit crazy and that losing my skirt would have been impossible.  Although, I guess anything's possible...

Skirt: Target, $10 - Tee: Target, $6 - Tights: Hue, $11 - Beanie: H&M, $7ish
Cardigan: BonTon, $20 - Jacket: Thrifted, $2 - Boots: Target, $35 - Scarf: Artists & Fleas, $17


  1. those boots are seriously perfect on you. and i'm loving all of the colors at play in this outfit.

    also, i think i like the idea of wearing over the knee boots with shorter skirts. maybe i better run to target to see if they still have those!

  2. I just want to cosign everything that calivintage just said. Well except the running out to Target part for me - I think the over the knee boots and minis are best left for you cute young things LOL!!

    I seriously had a moment like that last time I wore tights with my ponte knit skirt, for some reason, I SWORE my skirt was falling down and I panicked. It wasn't.....I just had a weird dis-discombobulated feeling for a minute there LOL, so I am only Laughing WITH you! :-)

  3. LOL only you Kyla! :) How would one lose their skirt??

    Hahaha, I dont mind the obsession nwith the boots, they are great.

  4. I love that you thought you lost your skirt. I have had such moments where I thought I lost my slip. Like that could happen.

  5. You are the best! I love it. Lost your skirt! I love this outfit on you. The colors, the fit, everything about it is great!

  6. I'm cracing up over you losing your skirt! Sounds like something I would do. Great outfit!

  7. Nice look. Thanks for the chuckle. Love ya!

  8. I really love the boots. I'm getting my own pair of OTK's soon, hope I love them as much.

    I agree- it really tones down the mini skirt. A very cool trick.

  9. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this look. Did I mention that I LOVE it? Those boots do make that outfit awesome. It is super flattering and cute. I want some of those boots now.

  10. Pretty pretty! It also helps that you have the cutest smile in the world. but the boots are not bad either! One time I freaked out because I lost my car keys and glasses... While driving. With glasses on.

  11. Super D duper cute! Your bod is fantastic lady!

  12. Thanks for the comment Kyla. I have been very unsure about my "style" lately and it means alot to have your opinion. Please feel free to be brutally honest. Your opinion will help me through this creative period.


  13. Lmao the losing your skirt story reminds of this time a few years back where i had my entire family searching my house for my cellphone when it was in my bra the whole time... Except i was actually crazy because not only did i put a PHONE in my BRA (it was kinda a highschool trend, i guess), but i didn't feel it there at all? We all have our moments.

  14. Great outfit! And "flirting w/bat-shit crazy" = new phrase to carry me thru the rest of the week.


  15. LOLOL!!! That would so definitely happen to me! I call these my dodo moments...lol

    You look sincerely awesome though and those boots are truly da bomb!!!

  16. Love the layers! They add good balance to the skirt.
    Especially love the cardie.

  17. this outfit is so chic! it looks so great on you! i would NEVER dare wear something to short and tight, but you do it with aplomb and MAJOR style. kudos!!!

  18. Note to self: boots from Target. I am perpetually hunting for boots.

    Your skirt story was funny-- my thing is that I'm always paranoid that my skirt will get caught in my tights in the back and I'll be flashing everyone and not even know it. Thankfully, it's never happened.

  19. great layering. I love the boots! Nie colors too!

  20. I looked for the boots at my target last week and no luck. I'll have to look online - they're so adorable.

  21. I love the jacket!


  22. so. I am in love with this outfit. I think it might be the ease of it. yellow and khaki are brilliant together.
    p.s. thanks for the sweet comments on my blog.

  23. I love how you're sporting a shorter skirt with the boots! You are right... class replaces the trash with the help of tights on the over the knee puppies :)

    And, aside from the boot/skirt perfection, the rest of your outfit is awesome! I love how you've layered the jacket and cardigan, and the scarf just ties the whole darn thing together!

  24. If I were the type of person to say LOL I would say that now because you losing your skirt in the washroom is funny shit.
    You look majorly hot!

  25. I like how you used mostly neutral colors but added a fun but not over the top pop of color with the yellow!

  26. very cute! love that pop of yellow and your hat!

  27. LOVE LOVE LOVE the pop of yellow!

