Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Unlike yesterday, today was all about being with people. I was feeling really casual this morning, but still wanted something crisp. Gray and white is my favorite combo for hitting that note.

7-29-09 1

The white linen pants, which I actually ironed, are from JCP last year ($18). Wide-leg white linen pants are a summer staple for me. I had a pair years ago that I wore so much, I literally blew out the inner legs. Oopsie! Kept it clean with an AA tee ($22) and modern with my studded snake skin sandals (Ross, $9).

7-29-09 2

Then, I punched it up a bit with my favorite turquoise pendant and matching ring. They were both hand-made gifts from my mom. We picked up the stones in New Mexico while driving cross country when I was in college. They will be forever pieces, as well as my calla lily bracelet from my husband for our 5th.

7-29-09 3

The outfit began with just the tee, but I grabbed a sweater on my way out the door, since I knew I was going to be in AC all day (air-conditioning, not Atlantic City - boo). But once I threw it on, I kind of liked it.

Another work day tomorrow, then home on Friday. So far, so good.


  1. Love the outfit. The jewelry is sooo pretty!

  2. love the pants
    i couldn't pull em off-they'd drown me

  3. looking very chic. perfect for the day you had.

  4. I love forever pieces! And these are gorgeous.

  5. Great outfit. You look so happy!

  6. I have a pair of linen pants that I got on sale at a store here for %50.00. The Linen is incredible. Unfortunately I wear them too much, so the black is starting to fade, they have shrunk lengthwise, I am missing a button (thats what safety pins are for) and theres an itty bitty hole that I tried to corrct by putting fusing on in. LE SIGH. I love your white version, wide leg pants are definatly your friend!

  7. I love linen pants! This color combo is working really well.

  8. I wore this SAME outfit a few weeks ago. I just don't think I have posted it yet! Now I will have to post it. Great minds think alike!

  9. I love those linen pants! So breezy and chic.

  10. love the linen pants...awesome necklace

  11. Could those aa tees be anymore versatile? I want to get like 36 more, stat! Lookin' good, love the gray and white btw.

  12. I seriously need to get more tees like that-- it looks so classic and effortlessly chic! You look great!

  13. I love linen pants. Happy to see another person wearing them in blogland. They are so light and breezy on a hot day.

