Thursday, July 9, 2009


I felt awesome in today's outfit.
Just remixing more of the same, making it anything but...

7-9-09 1

7-9-09 2

Loving the sexiness of a racer back. Just the other day, I was lamenting that I need a new racer back bra, but instead I bought one of those bra converter clips. It's. Awesome. It worked for the bra and the cami. Totally worth the $10 and waaaay cheaper than a new bra.

7-9-09 3

White cami, Target $6 - Navy Blue Racer Back Maxi, Ross $9 - Pinstripe Vest, Target $20ish? - Sandal, Ross $9


  1. Very cool! (Hi, by the way, I'm new here.)

    I have a vest I've had for like, 15 years that I've been trying to re-incorporate. I think I'm inspired to try it over a dress like this.

  2. You look great! What a great, simple, sexy outfit! Btw, thanks for the tip on the Wilco album...I'm looking forward to listening!

  3. LOVE today's outfit, Kyla. Gorgeous layering. And do tell me about these bra clips...I am intrigued.

  4. Love it! These layers work together so well!

  5. You always look so so stunning, i love every single outfit that you wear, you wear them all with confidence and you rock them!

    you're absolutely gorgeous =)

  6. I wish I could have gone Maxi dress shopping with you. I haven't bought one this season. Love your collection!

  7. I love how this makes you look so strong - like I am woman, I'm going to take over the world - strong:)

  8. I love the mix of a waistcoat with a sleeveless dress! I might have to try this out.

  9. The whole outfit looks great. I love the details as well: earings, sandals, hair!

  10. Gosh this is cute! I have had a "thing" about wearing vests over something else that was sleeveless, but maybe I can get over it! :-)

  11. Thanks for the comments. I wish that you lived near me. I think we would have some fun times shopping and such! Loving this look as usual.

