Sunday, June 21, 2009


IH back

Went back to my roots on Saturday for my cousin's wedding. It was an absolute blast! Few things compare to a great wedding! The ceremony was in a small church in a very small town and was followed by an awesome reception in a nearby barn. It's so fun to see someone you've known your entire life enjoying such a memorable day.

In case this whole thing doesn't sound quite back country enough, this is my dad's refurbished 1958 International Harvester pick-up truck that my cousin and his new wife drove to the reception. Isn't it awesome?

IH and me

I couldn't resist a good photo op on it! And if you look really closely, you can see my husband's reflection in the back of the side mirror.

cornfield 2

Obviously, I found something to wear. Friday evening, I had approximately one hour to make a mad dash through the mall in hopes of finding something that was cute, could be styled up even cuter, and that didn't need any tailoring. With 20 minutes left to go, I popped into the last store in our humble mall and happened upon this little number. It fit like glove and was 50% off (Sears $30). Two of my favorite things! Oh, and it had pockets for snacks! I was sold!

It came with a black ribbon belt, which I promptly removed once I got home and roughed up the edges a bit with a patent studded belt, studded bracelet and black wedges with bronze details (which were RIDICULOUSLY comfortable - Aerosoles, Ross, $22). Best of all, it was a completely hassle-free outfit to wear all day. No constricting undergarments, painful shoes, or scroochy tops. Everything stayed firmly in its place.

The humidity was higher than the temperature (hence the kind of crazy hair) and there were several downpours throughout the day. But nothing that love, happiness and an open bar couldn't overcome.


  1. Great dress! That looks like it will have beenone fun wedding!!

  2. dude thats a fab dress! wonderful last minute find!
    love your dads truck!!!

  3. Wow...Sears huh? Hmm....I'm a bit too much of a snob to try anything on in Sears but that dress is super cute!
    Also...if a dress doesn't have pockets, I usually end up putting it back... :)

  4. Open bar could even get me to do the chicken dance :D

  5. We did the chicken dance! heehaw :)

