Tuesday, May 19, 2009


shorts and belted shirt 4

Yay! Shorts!

I must admit there was a time (from about age 16 - 26) when I was vehemently opposed to shorts. I didn't like the way they looked on, but more importantly, I hated the way they felt. They were CONSTANTLY crawling up my hooha and it was horrible!

Then entered the walking short. I'm in love. Turns out not all short are created equal and for me, walking shorts take the cake. They're easy to dress up or down and they're COMFY! I picked these up at Target last year ($15) and remix them quite often. Today was a WW day, and I needed to look a bit more pulled together, so I paired them with a simple gray button-down (Bitten by SJP, $10) and belted it with a vintage belt passed down from my mom. The snake-skin print on the buckle is a great modern, yet funky touch, which I echoed with bronze snakey-looking flats (JCP, $8). Easy breezy!

Oh, and little popped collar never hurts...


  1. Cute look - I hope that we get the weather to wear shorts!

  2. i love this particular style of shorts because i'm not one to show booty, and the longer shorts are easier to dress up :)

    anyway, i'm more of a lurker than a commenter but i did want to tell you that i gave your blog an award, so please come by and get it if you are so inclined :)


  3. How very stylish...i love this look :) And i agree, walking shorts are quite awesome.

  4. I'm totally with you on the shorts. Much of my youth and young adulthood was spent toughing it out in jeans because shorts were just so unsightly. Walking shorts have made warmer weather so much more enjoyable!

  5. I very recently started reading your blog (as in yesterday) and am in love! I love the way the walking shorts look on you, but I'm short (5'1") and always thought they'd make me look shorter..any advice?

  6. I love the walking shorts--they look awesome on you and dumb on me. I like the belt over the button down too!

  7. I am a huge fan of bermudas-- they look great on you! Plus that belt is fantastic :)


  8. I need to find a woman's fit walking shorts. So I'll check target like you did. I bought several pairs last year by catalog and they all seemed to fit a boy shaped person. Low on the hips and no room for a butt. Yours looks great on you!

