The lovely at undergradfab.blogspot.com tagged me in the Prom Queen challenge, which I think is SO cute and I'm so enjoying seeing everyone's prom pictures.
I would encourage everyone to participate, but I won't tag anyone specific. It's a fun time, though!
The rules:
~ Upload your prom picture. If you don't have one, email your mom and have her send it to you.
~ Don’t forget to include the year it was taken. Again, don't be shy. The older the better.
~ Grab the "Prom Queen" button and add to your post. Isn't the button adorable? Thank you Danielle, The Design Girl. You must check out her fabulous sale!
~ Copy and paste the rules to your blog.
~ Tag 5 others!
So, here's my blast from the past:
I've had the unique experience of NEVER shopping for a formal dress. I drew pictures of what I wanted for a prom dress and my infinitely talented mother made them come to life! For my wedding dress, I once again drew the picture, but this time made the dress, too (unless you like stress, sleepless nights and crazy horrible dreams about walking down the aisle with your dress stapled on, I don't recommend this).
Anyway, I digress :) This is my junior prom. Year: 1998 (Gasp!)

It's not a great shot of the dress, but it was a Victoria's Secret one-shouldered stretchy dress with a custom-made-by-mom chiffon toga-esque wrap that was asymmetrical and tied at the waist and paired with long black gloves. I have to admit, this was such a sleek look and a far cry from the sea of tulle, cotton candy colors, sequins and rhinestones that flood so many high school proms. (BTW, only one of those guys is my date, the other is my cousin.)
Then, this is my senior prom. Year: 1999 (I still can't believe it's been 10 years! Holy crap!)

I LOVED this get-up. Once again, I drew a picture of what I wanted and my mom made it be. I wish I could have found a picture of the back. The top was just fabric on the front with an open back that laced up and tied on the bottom. Scandalous, I know.
I don't know what I was thinking with that hair - ridiculousness! I made the headband and even ordered my own corsage, designing this armband. After all, I couldn't allow my date to make these decisions for me. Notice I kind of cut him out of the shot. Oopsie!
One thing that would have made this top much, much better? Dress tape. It was a constant hiker-upper.
Hope you enjoy! And thanks, Mom!