Monday, February 16, 2009


Today, I'm definitely one of those people you want to shoot before you've had your morning cup of coffee. The sun is shining so brightly, which makes me a very happy and chipper little bird! It's so bright, in fact, that my camera didn't even use it's flash this morning, which made taking pictures more fun since I didn't have to wait for the flash to recharge between each shot. Whee!

Then, I got to work and enjoyed a nice hot cup of coffee. And THEN, my husband called to tell me that UPS came and brought my NEW SHOES! So, yes, new shoes is most likely the root of my elation, especially because they are new shoes that I bought with my gift card that I won last week. But the sun certainly ups the ante...

Monday is a 2-job day, so it's a long one. My second job is a no-jeans gig, so I generally end up wearing a dress, which suits me just fine. This is the same dress that I wore last Monday, just remixed a little. In case you've forgotten, the dress is from Sears for $8.99 (how could you forget that?) and today is paired with a black and white striped turtleneck from Ross for $2.99, thrown over HUE tights with my flat fringy boots (Kohl's, sale $26.99) and topped off with a vintage scarf from my grandmother, Marnie.

The scarf adds the perfect hit of color and though you can't really see it in the photos, it even includes my favorite. I'll give you a hint: It rhymes with custard mellow...


  1. i love that outfit! especially all of those deals! Way to rock it, girl! Keep up the sunny attitude- the sun is shining where I am, too :)

  2. Hey - you could win another contest with that outfit. Very sharp. Shine on!

  3. U are looking so good!! Yeah that you got your shoes already!!! :) Can't wait to see them on you...

