Ah, Saturday night... I realize I'm a little late on this, but it's Monday, which is a VERY long day of work for me. Today's outfit was cute (outfit #4 that is - it was one of those mornings), but Saturday night's was way more fun!
I was really excited to wear this skirt. It's a silver/black brocade Express skirt that I got at Goodwill on half price day for $2 (hemmed a couple of inches to add a little tart), paired with my favorite tee in the whole world (I have it in 3 colors) from American Apparel ($22 - one of the few things I will gladly pay full price for). The silver pumps were on clearance last week at Payless for $10. I was so excited to wear them and managed to traipse all over town despite the rapidly accumulating snow. Sometimes, practicality just has to come second. Because of the snow, I added 2 pairs of tights (for warmth and extra opaque-ness) and an H&M boyfriend cardigan. For that extra edgy, dive bar look, I topped it off with a big, black cocktail ring and my beloved (even though it's kind of creepy) pistol necklace. Vodka tonic, please!
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