Of all the accessories that crowd my dresser and closet, the one I wear the most and the one that can pack the most punch is my haircut. And since yesterday was HAIR CUT DAY! Yay! I posted some picture of my new 'do.
Now, I talk a lot about getting a good deal and never paying too much for anything and always looking for a bargain, yada, yada ... BUT, there is one thing that I am willing to pay for (still within my means, of course), and that's a great hair cut. I've had some bad stylist karma in the last few years: I found a place a really liked, but the cuts kept getting more and more expensive and I just couldn't afford it, which totally sucked the fun out of Hair Cut Day. Then, I found a girl who I LOVED and even drove 1.5 hours every time I needed a cut (she was near my parents house), because she was so cheap. But then she decided to stop doing hair altogether. Boo. So, after going for MONTHS and MONTHS without a haircut, I finally couldn't take it anymore and risked finding a new stylist.
It's soooo hard to find somebody who just really "gets" your hair and your style. Ironically, one of my neighbors is a stylist at a salon that is literally 30 seconds from my house. Though I was aware of the potentially very awkward neighbor situation if I didn't like her cuts, I decided to take the risk. And it was worth it, because she's awesome! Reasonably priced and has yet to falter on my baby fine hair. Yesterday, she flat-ironed my hair first and did the entire cut dry. That way, I didn't lose any length and the layers are perfect placed.
I've finally learned to stick up for myself in the chair. If the price isn't worth the cut, you've just GOT to move on until you find the right stylist. There's no place for emotion when you're under the scissors. After years of perms, highlights, and bad coloring, I'm finally realizing the full potential of my natural hair. Yay for HAIR CUT DAY!
Stopped in from Louise's blog to say hi!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the pencil skirt truck tip! I can't believe I didn't think of the oh Sh*t handle!
ReplyDeleteShort girl? How tall are you?
Thanks again!
Love your header by the way! Much style!